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한국의 간식들~ 영어로 어떻게 설명할까?


오늘은 제가 한국의 명물이라고 부르고 싶은

한국의 간식과 야식 종류의 영어식 설명을 알아보려합니다!

그 종류도 이름도 많죠 ㅋ

김밥 순대 떡뽂이 등등~~

그럼 알아볼까요?ㅋ

1. 라면 (Korean-style ramyeon noodles)

2. 어묵 (Skewered fish sausage, fish ball)

3. 김밥 (Boiled rice is seasoned with sesame oil and salt, and rolled up in a sheet of laver along with strips of carrot, cucumber, spinach, egg sheet, pickled radish, bulgogi, cheese, ham, etc.)

4. 떡볶이 (Rice powder is steamed and made into a long cylinder called garaeddeok. It is cut finger-length and cooked in a spicy, sweet sauce. Vegetables, or ramyeon can be added depending on one's taste)

5. 튀김 (Fritters)

6. 순대 (Traditional sausage made of pig intestine stuffed with a mixture of bean curd, vegetables, potato noodles, cuttlefish, etc)

7. 양념통닭 (Roast chicken coated with sweet, tangy sauce)

8. 잡채 (Korean chapsuy noodle with meat and vegetables)

9. 닭갈비 (broiled spicy chicken and vegetables)

이렇게 다양한 종류의 간식과 야식들~

정말 없이는 못살것 같네요~^^

영어로 소개할 때 유용하게 사용하세요~~